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WRC Elections

The WRC elections are happening now. Positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Convenor, and Community Outreach Chair. Please see the attached notmination form under our 'event' page for further details. Nominations forms are due with signatures at 8PM on March 16th after the House Cup event in Waters Lounge.

In order to run for an Executive position, candidates must currently reside in the Woodsworth College Residence and must each be nominated by 10 other current residents. Please find the nomination form at the end of this package, complete it, and hand it in at the mandatory Candidates’ Meeting in Waters Lounge on Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 8:00 PM (after the House Cup Event). You may also submit your nomination form to the WRC mailbox at the Front Desk, but you must attend the Candidates’ Meeting. Please keep this document for your own reference; the information it contains will be useful in the future.

Nomination Period: March 9th-March 16th 2014 8PM

Candidates' Meeting: March 16th 8PM (after the House Cup Event)

Campaign Period: March 16th- March 23rd

Speeches: March 23rd 5PM @ Waters Lounge

Voting: March 23 (after speeches)- March 26th

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